The Art of Potty Training Strategy and Tactics for Low Stress Parenting eBook Chris Thompson

The Art of Potty Training Strategy and Tactics for Low Stress Parenting
Who else wants to potty train their child quickly while avoiding the stress that most other parents seem to suffer? The Art of Potty Training is the proven solution. Clearly written and straight to the point. You'll discover how to build all of the right emotional states in your toddler so that he actually wants to be potty trained. You'll never have to nag, force or push your child.
The Art of Potty Training starts with the crucial mindsets every parent needs to adopt. These mindsets will anchor you to successful parenting strategies. The rest of the book coaches you on how to apply these mindsets towards potty training your child. You're handed step by step instructions that just plain work. The result is a no-pressure and happy experience for everyone involved.
Today you're potty training. But tomorrow and the day after you'll still be coaching your child on other aspects of development and growth. You'll look back on The Art of Potty Training and realize that its lessons go far beyond saving money on diapers. They go straight to the heart of effective parenting. The author's not-so-secret agenda goes far beyond potty training. It's about unleashing your own incredible parenting skills.
"Great ideas on potty training and raising your child in general. Worth buying it."
"Fantastic positive approach to potty training. I like the positive approach to potty training in this book. The author has done a great research and offers many ways to introduce the potty and toilet training to your child without putting pressure on little ones."
"This book helps bring awareness to the proper methods of Potty Training, and it's a much needed resource for the parent of the toddler!"
"I found these tips very successful, and Chris is easy to listen to and understand."
The Art of Potty Training Strategy and Tactics for Low Stress Parenting eBook Chris Thompson
I decided to read through this book because it was free and I was ready to jump into the training with my-two-year-old. This was number four and she appeared to be ready telling me when she was wet or soiled. We had already passed some of the introduction to the potty, but I found using a doll to "train" was very effective and my daughter seemed to enjoy and understand the connection. Day one was all accidents in straight up panties. By day four she was telling me when she needed to go. We're only six days into training and she woke me up this morning to tell me she had to go. She is improving with her bm sensation and hasn't had a wet accident so far. I've been amazed and hope she will continue to do well. I've used some of the strategies from this book and found it to be very effective and well worth 2.99 for new parents or experienced ones like myself. I highly recommend this purchase!Product details

Tags : Buy The Art of Potty Training: Strategy and Tactics for Low Stress Parenting: Read 20 Kindle Store Reviews -,ebook,Chris Thompson,The Art of Potty Training: Strategy and Tactics for Low Stress Parenting,CsizMEDIA,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS Toilet Training,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS Parenting Child Rearing
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The Art of Potty Training Strategy and Tactics for Low Stress Parenting eBook Chris Thompson Reviews
This book is a good read if you haven't started potty training and not sure where to start. It has many tips and tricks that come in handy. However I bought it after I've already been half way through potty training so I guess I didn't make the best use of it.
Read it completely FIRST. Follow it exactly. Most important first step is WAITING to be sure you kid is READY. Once all systems are go you can potty train in ONE DAY! Really! We did!! And borrowed for free on with Prime. What is not to like!! I was so impressed I felt the need to do my first review on ever.
I have trained three kids and one grandchild. The reason I got this book is because my newest granddaughter is really struggling with this. I pick up a lot of new info. She is very sensitive and the coaching tips were just what I needed. My recommendation is that anyone potty training a toddler new or experienced should read this book. The author presented all info and advice unbiased and very straight forward.
Liked some ideas, but my kid was tooo difficult to use them. Unfortunately some kids just are too stubborn to listen.
This book is very well written and researched. I especially liked the sensible approach given for all aspects of potty training. The author does not pressure you into some crazy scheme, but rather proffers sound advice and easy steps for potty training your child. A must have resource for every parent!
There were some good tips in this book. I think the author makes a good point that the most important thing is for the child to build up positive feelings towards using the toilet. It's not the magic secret for fast and/or easy and/or early potty training, but it's very important. It helped me get some perspective while dealing with my 3.5 year old who is still not regularly using the toilet on his own and also mentally prepare for toilet training my 20-month-old who is already very interested.
I decided to read through this book because it was free and I was ready to jump into the training with my-two-year-old. This was number four and she appeared to be ready telling me when she was wet or soiled. We had already passed some of the introduction to the potty, but I found using a doll to "train" was very effective and my daughter seemed to enjoy and understand the connection. Day one was all accidents in straight up panties. By day four she was telling me when she needed to go. We're only six days into training and she woke me up this morning to tell me she had to go. She is improving with her bm sensation and hasn't had a wet accident so far. I've been amazed and hope she will continue to do well. I've used some of the strategies from this book and found it to be very effective and well worth 2.99 for new parents or experienced ones like myself. I highly recommend this purchase!

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