Credence Foundation A Science Fiction Thriller eBook Marco Guarda

Where will you hide when mind and matter collide?
In a not-so-distant future, the murder of a notorious neuroscientist threatens the closure of Credence, a federal corporation where the powerful minds of exceptional individuals—the Believers—are harnessed into mass beliefs capable of teleporting spaceships to the other side of the universe.
To avoid the death of the colons on the outer outposts for lack of supplies, Detective Trumaine is only given three days to solve the case. However, because of the elusive nature of the murderer—a Believer and a telepath—the investigation proves more difficult than ever, and Trumaine faces disaster.
When, desperate to catch the murderer, Trumaine agrees to enter the Feed—the very same medium the Believers unconsciously inhabit when building the mass belief—a third contender enters the arena, that messes up with painful events from his past. If it’s friend or foe, that remains to be seen.
It's a science fiction novel of about 74,000 words.
Credence Foundation A Science Fiction Thriller eBook Marco Guarda
I did not know what to expect from Foundation: Credence, Book 1, by Marco Guarda. What I got was an enthralling read. It is a futuristic sci-fi fantasy where people live on other planets besides earth. Ecological rules have changed. Where once corporations would rape the lands in their quests to find products to monopolize and sell to the Earth and other planets, now the laws protect the planets. Gone are many of the machines used for work and travel. Now minds thinking about moving a ship to another planet can move it from Earth to where it needs to go. In all of this, a murder is committed. The murder victim, Aarmo Jarva , is the man responsible for the development of this more peaceful way of life. He was a visionary who saw beyond what most men thought. But he was danger to the laws of the land, to Credence, and he had to be stopped.When I started reading Credence I was not sure I was going to like it. The prose is beautiful. Words flow from the pen of Marco Guarda painting a wonderful picture. The murder and the hunt for the murderer is absorbing. I hated putting the book down (had to--had to get back to work.) I loved Christian Trumaine. He is a complex man. His life is not turning out the way he envisioned. His wife works off-planet in Aquaria, where there are very strict laws on the environment and citizenship. He cannot be with her full time because he is not a citizen of Aquaria. Tragedy has occurred to leave him little more than a shell--full of guilt, going through the motions of living, estranged from most people. His captain, Grant Firrell, along with the TSA and the Feds have given him hope that maybe he can become a citizen of Aquaria, if he finds the murderer. If he fails, he is the scapegoat. With very few clues to the murder, I figured he would remain on Earth.
Some of the other characters I was unsure if they were friend or foe. Who was working with whom? Who would stop at nothing to cover up the murder? To cover up what Dr. Jarva was researching? Why was it important? Noah Benedict, the head of Credence, and his assistant were helpful to Trumaine. Noah explained things to him and helped him to find the murderer at the beginning. Credence was not looking good at that point. The TSA and the Feds were threatening him with shutting down Credence if the murderer, who looked to be a part of Credence, was not found. Faith, a believer in Credence, also showed Trumaine things he did not know and, sometimes, did not want to remember or know.
Where I found problems was in the world building of Credence. Mr. Guarda needed to build the Credence world. He sometimes got wordy in trying to make the reader understand this world. I was confused when I was pulled out of the murder investigation for world building. Some of the passages contained too much information that did not have context with the story at the point of explaining the world of Credence. When the story went back to the murder plotline, I enjoyed the story much better. I also began to understand the world of Credence when Mr. Guarda naturally allowed the world building to be shown through the story.
Overall, I looked Foundation: Credence, Book 1. I am hooked and need another fix of this world. I hope it comes soon. This seems to be a series that will be interesting and unique.
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Tags : Credence Foundation: A Science Fiction Thriller - Kindle edition by Marco Guarda. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Credence Foundation: A Science Fiction Thriller.,ebook,Marco Guarda,Credence Foundation: A Science Fiction Thriller,Fiction Science Fiction Action & Adventure,Fiction Thrillers Technological
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Credence Foundation A Science Fiction Thriller eBook Marco Guarda Reviews
More than anything else, Marco Guarda's CREDENCE FOUNDATION is a love story. Sure, it's science fiction - there's space travel, other planets, and a fascinating new technology that will surely intrigue sci-fi fans. But the heart of the story is protagonist Christian Trumaine's desperate need to reconnect with his estranged wife, Starshanna, who is living apart from him on a planet in another galaxy. The plot of the novel revolves around a mysterious murder that took place inside a sealed and secure underground residence. Detective Trumaine's investigation leads to a company called The Credence Foundation, which has harnessed the power of the human brain to greatly enhance space travel. Gradually it becomes clear that this new neurological technology is behind the murder of the scientist, as well as the disappearance of a massive cargo shuttle. On that level, this is a detective story. But ultimately it's Trumaine and Shanna's story that holds CREDENCE FOUNDATION together. I found it charming, identifiable, and true.
The neurological technology in the novel is based on a theory that a collective of shared "beliefs" can affect the physical universe. In the novel, a group of five hundred "Believers" working for the Credence Foundation enter a trance state, in which their minds are directed by a computer program. In this way, they are able to actually move an entire space ship light years away from earth in seconds - if all five hundred "believe" that the ship has moved, it will move. Guardo suggests that this is indeed possible, and that it has something to do with the thalamus gland in the human brain - the science isn't much more developed than that, but it's interesting nonetheless. The work of the "Believers" is reminiscent of the film "The Matrix," where unconscious humans create a detailed virtual reality world. But in CREDENCE FOUNDATION, the created reality becomes real. And it's just the beginning of what such focused "believing" can accomplish.
This isn't a perfect novel. The beginning is excruciatingly slow and plodding, with way too many over-blown descriptions and clunky similes. But hang in there, because once the story actually begins, it's both engaging and fast-paced. There are more than a few typographical and grammatical errors, some of which are annoying (there are far too many fragmented sentences, missing words, and word substitutions, for example). Additionally, there are some odd anachronisms that make it difficult to get a feel for what this future world is really like - on the one hand, it is suggested that the story is taking place at least a hundred years or more in the future, but at the same time there are still milkmen delivering door to door, Trumaine remembers the sound of an old-fashioned manual typewriter, and computer key cards are still in use. It's all a little weird.
Overall, I enjoyed CREDENCE FOUNDATION. The ending is exciting (and the murder investigation is satisfyingly resolved), and I was very involved in Trumaine's relationship with Shanna and their daughter (their pet dolphin is cool, too!). Guarda says this began as a screenplay, and parts of it (especially in the beginning) do read more like a film treatment than a novel. I definitely think it would make a good movie.
[Please note I was given a copy of this novel for review. The opinions expressed here are my own.]
Credence book 1 Foundation. Science Fiction, mystery, thriller, many ideas overlap that the story defies the usual classifications.
The story begins with an 'impossible' murder of a very influential scientist. the main character is the detective, Chris Trumaine, who is tasked with solving the crime. The clues send him to Credence, an organization that uses mass belief to make things happen, mostly interstellar travel. Lots of good action and great character development carries the story through to the end.
As I read this book, I saw glimpses of Philip Dick and Isaac Asimov in the blend of techno thriller and detective noir. Technological advances gave a 'foundation' to the story, but the story grew and lived through the characters. At other times, I was reminded of movies like Inception and Total Recall. Sometimes what is real and what is dreamed mesh and tangle, and that makes for some very interesting twists.
Early in the book, I started to worry. It looked like things were going to be too linear. I was thinking that it was too easy, not enough false leads, not enough suspects popping in and out of the picture. Boy, was I wrong! the twists hit at the mid-point, then get re-twisted and when you think things are getting untwisted, the plot leaps again! So many debut authors have trouble with complex issues, but Mr. Guarda handled it expertly.
I would like to thank the author, who provided a copy of this book for an impartial review.
Good job to Marco Guarda! I hope the screenplay of this novel gets optioned, I would live to watch it!
I did not know what to expect from Foundation Credence, Book 1, by Marco Guarda. What I got was an enthralling read. It is a futuristic sci-fi fantasy where people live on other planets besides earth. Ecological rules have changed. Where once corporations would rape the lands in their quests to find products to monopolize and sell to the Earth and other planets, now the laws protect the planets. Gone are many of the machines used for work and travel. Now minds thinking about moving a ship to another planet can move it from Earth to where it needs to go. In all of this, a murder is committed. The murder victim, Aarmo Jarva , is the man responsible for the development of this more peaceful way of life. He was a visionary who saw beyond what most men thought. But he was danger to the laws of the land, to Credence, and he had to be stopped.
When I started reading Credence I was not sure I was going to like it. The prose is beautiful. Words flow from the pen of Marco Guarda painting a wonderful picture. The murder and the hunt for the murderer is absorbing. I hated putting the book down (had to--had to get back to work.) I loved Christian Trumaine. He is a complex man. His life is not turning out the way he envisioned. His wife works off-planet in Aquaria, where there are very strict laws on the environment and citizenship. He cannot be with her full time because he is not a citizen of Aquaria. Tragedy has occurred to leave him little more than a shell--full of guilt, going through the motions of living, estranged from most people. His captain, Grant Firrell, along with the TSA and the Feds have given him hope that maybe he can become a citizen of Aquaria, if he finds the murderer. If he fails, he is the scapegoat. With very few clues to the murder, I figured he would remain on Earth.
Some of the other characters I was unsure if they were friend or foe. Who was working with whom? Who would stop at nothing to cover up the murder? To cover up what Dr. Jarva was researching? Why was it important? Noah Benedict, the head of Credence, and his assistant were helpful to Trumaine. Noah explained things to him and helped him to find the murderer at the beginning. Credence was not looking good at that point. The TSA and the Feds were threatening him with shutting down Credence if the murderer, who looked to be a part of Credence, was not found. Faith, a believer in Credence, also showed Trumaine things he did not know and, sometimes, did not want to remember or know.
Where I found problems was in the world building of Credence. Mr. Guarda needed to build the Credence world. He sometimes got wordy in trying to make the reader understand this world. I was confused when I was pulled out of the murder investigation for world building. Some of the passages contained too much information that did not have context with the story at the point of explaining the world of Credence. When the story went back to the murder plotline, I enjoyed the story much better. I also began to understand the world of Credence when Mr. Guarda naturally allowed the world building to be shown through the story.
Overall, I looked Foundation Credence, Book 1. I am hooked and need another fix of this world. I hope it comes soon. This seems to be a series that will be interesting and unique.

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